This page lists a number of books I've read and like for one reason
or another. I will give a brief description of the main features of
each book as I see them (work in progress). You may or may not agree
with me on this. All expressed opinions are just my personal point of
view ! In [square brackets] I give the year I first read the book, as
far as I can reconstruct it today ;-)
More titles are added from time to time.
I've grouped the titles loosely by genre or topic:
baseball / Boston Red Sox
science / physics
There are lots of books on baseball, especially the Major Leagues.
Unfortunately, not all of them are worthwhile reading. The following
books I consider my favourite works on the subject:
John Thorn/Pete Palmer: 'Total Baseball' [read 1993]
- I've only got the third edition (1993), which is obviously
not up to date. Nevertheless, this encyclopedia answers
most of your questions regarding basic stats and has also
a number of good articles on special topics such as Woman in
Baseball and The Commisioners. My favourite sections,
besides the stats part itself, are:
- The 100 Greatest Players
- Tragedies and Shortendes Careers
- Streaks and Feats
- Phantom Ballplayers
Baseball Prospectus: 'Baseball Prospectus 2009'
(and other years) [I read the new edition every year]
- This book long ago replaced Total Baseball as my
favourite Stats book on baseball. Great analysis' from some
very clever people and amazing in-depth looks on each franchise.
The authors are not afraid to have a controversial point of
view and to document it in print. I often browse through the
book just for the fun of it. In addition, lots of comments on
players are simply extremely funny!
Bill James: 'Whatever happened to the Hall of Fame ?'
(originally published as 'The politics of glory')
[read about 1995/96]
- A great book from the genius of baseball statistics and
godfather of all sabermetricians. The statistical measures
he introduces are simple yet powerful. His reasoning once
and for all demystifies the 'arguments' of many people when
discussing whether player X belongs to the hall or not.
This book should be required reading for everybody who is
discussing the hall of fame and especially for every member
of the BBWAA.
Glenn Stout, Richard A. Johnson: 'Red Sox Century'
[read about 2001]
- The story of the Boston Red Sox in the 20th century.
A well-told piece of history as well as an analysis of why
the Red Sox failed to win a world championship for more than
80 years (and counting). The author's opinions on Tom Yawkey's
free spending and the way it influenced the Sox' fate as well
as Fenway's impact on the Sox teams that played in it are very
interesting. Other fascinating sections cover the 'truth about
Ruth', the way Ted Williams' relationship to the press went sore
and the question whether or not Johnny Pesky did hold the ball.
A must-read for every Sox fan !
Lawrence S. Ritter: 'The Glory of Their Times'
[read about 2000]
- A classic baseball book on the first decades of the 20th
century. I like the accounts of the man who participated in
famous baseball moments like the only unassisted triple play
in World Series history, the 'Merkle incident' or Snodgrass'
muffed fly ball in the outfield.
John Helyar: 'Lords of the Realm'
[read 1997]
- This book claims to be 'The real history of baseball'
and in a way it is. The role of the commisioners of the game,
the circumstances of how free agency changed the game forever
and the all-important role of the union and of agents tell
an interesting story.
Robert K. Adair: 'The physics of baseball'
[read in the late 1990s]
- I'm a physicist and a baseball fan, so I guess this book
is required reading for me ;-). Nevertheless, I didn't read
it until the spring of 2000 (I became a baseball fan in 1990).
The book gives a number of interesting insights on topics
whether a fastball can really 'rise', how much time an
outfielder has to decide in which direction to move to catch
a flyball and why Ted Williams home run off an Eephys pitch
was one of the single great achievements in the history
of the game.
Robert Whiting: 'You gotta have Wa'
[read about 2006]
- Whiting gives a fascinating account of Japanese baseball
and especially the role Gaijin (foreign) players
have in it. It's interesting to see how cultural differences
between Japanese and Western life styles also impact the sport.
The book was written in the late 1980s, so naturally it
doesn't cover the import of Japanese players into the US major
leagues (Nomo, Ichiro, Matsui, Matsuzaka et al).
R.P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew L. Sands:
'The Feynman Lectures on Physics'
[read about 1992]
- This work, which comes in three volumes, is THE classic
textbook on physics. It covers the lectures Feynman gave
to freshmen and sophomores at the California Institute of
Technology (Caltech) in 1961 and 1962, but includes topics
which are not normally covered in the physics student's
first two years.
Richard Feynman, who won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1965
along with Sin-Itero Tomanaga and Julian Schwinger, is my
idol as a physicist. He is widely considered as one of the
leading physicists of the 20th century and was known for
his unique ability of teaching and explaining.
The 'Feynman Lectures' or 'The Lectures', as they are
often simply called, are the bible of physics textbooks.
Stephen Weinberg: 'The First Three Minutes: A Modern
View of the Origin of the Universe'
[read about 1986]
- This book was originally published in 1977 by Harvard
physicist Stephen Weinberg, who shortly thereafter won
the Nobel Prize for physics for his contributions to the
theory of Elementary Particle Physics, namely the GSW
(Glashow-Salam-Weinberg) theory of electroweak interactions.
This small book, which was written for the general public,
is quite simply the reason I decided to study physics after
reading it during the next to last year in high school.
Jagdish Mehra: 'The Beat of a Different Drum: The life
and science of Richard Feynman'
[read in the 1990s]
- This 'scientific' biography concentrates mainly
on Feynman's work. Included are not only his Nobel Prize
winning contributions to Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED), but
also the important work which he did in fields like the
space-time approach to quantum electrodynamics (i.e. the
path integral formalism), the famous diagrams, the theory
of superfluidity, polarons, partons, computation et cetera.
Mehra's book is very technical. For those who want to focus
more on Feynman's life and personality or are simply afraid
of formulas, there's also a very good 'non-scientific'
biography of Feynman by James Gleick.
Stepfen Webb: '(If the universe is teeming with alies...)
Where is everybody?' [read about 2005]
- Maybe you've heart about the 'Fermi Paradox': if there are lots
of aliens in the universe, as many people believe, where are
they? Why don't we see them or their artifacts?
The physicist Webb collected 49 possible answers to this famous
question and comments on them. As no 50, he gives his own
opinion. The answers are grouped in the categories
'They don't exist', 'They exist, but weren't here yet' and
'They exist and are among us'. Besides a lot of insight into
the fundamental question whether or not we are alone in the
universe Webb provides a lot of enlightening information
about the origin of life on earth, among other topics. I quite
often re-read particular solutions and comments.
Steven Pinker: 'The language instinct - How the mind creates
language' [read about 2006]
- I bought this book because of the favourable comment in Stephen
Webb's Where is everybody (see above) and wasn't
disappointed. I believe language is the thing which sets humans
apart from all the rest of nature (on earth). Therefore, the
question how language came into being and what it's main
features are is obviously extremely important. Pinker gives
a lot of insight into these topics, often refering to ideas of
legendary thinker Noam Chomsky.
David Kahn: 'The Codebreakers'
[read in the late 1990s]
- What can I say about this book that's not been said already ?
It's simply THE standard piece on the history of secret
communications. A monumental work (more than 1150 pages)
which covers not 'only' the classic topics of cryptography
(the Black Chambers, WW I and WW II, the Enigma, ...), but
also e.g. the deciphering of the Egypt hieroglyphics by the
famous work of Jean-Francois Champollion.
William F. Friedman: 'Elementary Military Cryptography'
[read about 2000]
- A good introduction into codes and ciphers. Although this text
is not up to date (it was written in 1930's), I recommend it to
everyone who's looking for an overview of crypto systems with an
emphasis on military used ones. This work was classified for a
long time, but is now available in public. The author is probably
the most influential american cryptographer.
James Bamford: 'The Puzzle Palace'
[read in the late 1990s]
- Kahn's classic work The Codebreakers (see above)
gives only a relatively brief account of the most powerful
intelligence organization of the second half of the 20th century,
the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). Bamford's book, which
is a bestseller itself, is the closest an 'outsider' has come
to the 'Puzzle Palace' yet (for those of you who don't already
know it: the Puzzle Palace is the nickname of the NSA
headquarter at Fort Meade, Maryland, near Washingto D.C.).
Read this book and be aware: Big Brother DOES exist... and he's
watching YOU.
Friedrich L. Bauer: 'Entzifferte Geheimnisse: Methoden
und Maximen der Kryptologie'
[read in the late 1990s]
- F.L. Bauer, now retired, was professor of mathematics and
computer science at the well-known Technische Universität
Munich. He's considered by many as the leading expert on the
field of cryptology in Germany. This book (in german language)
covers the lectures
he has given on the subject over the years. It's quite a
technical and pretentious reading. But, as a review I once read
on it put it: "If you work yourself through this book,
you may call yourself a cryptographer". Unfortunately,
I haven't mastered it yet ;-)
John Chadwick: 'The Decipherment of Linear B'
[read in the late 1990s]
- This small book (about 160 pages) was originally published
in 1958 and tells the exciting story of the decipherment
of Linear B, a pre-Hellenic script, by Michael Ventris.
Ventris was an architect with a great talent for languages.
He accomplished a feat none of the 'professional' archeologists
came close to. Unfortunately, he died shortly after his
historic discovery in a car accident, only 34 years of age.
There are also about 15 pages on the Linear B story in David
Kahns classic piece 'The Codebreakers'.
Stephen King: 'Misery', 'The Girl who loved
Tom Gordon', 'Gerald's Game'
[read in the 1990s]
- I've read quite a few books by Stephen King, but the three
listed above are the ones I like most, especially since they
contain no supernatural phenomena. They include a great deal
of suspense and the most frightening thing is to know these
things may happen in reality !
J.R.R. Tolkien: 'The Hobbit',
'The Lord of the Rings' and related works
[read many times, especially in the early 1990s]
- Well, if you don't know Tokien's works already, I feel sorry for
you. My Linux hosts at home are called Gondolin and
Moria, the software package I wrote to do the physics
analysis which led to my Ph.D. I named Anduril, 'nuff said.
John Irving: 'The World According to Garp',
The Cider House Rules, A Widow for One Year
[read many times from the 1980s on]
- John Irving is one of my favourite writers.
A Widow for One Year and The Cider House Rules
are the books I like best, although I think it's next to
impossible to write a better book than The World According
to Garp (great movie, too).
Neal Stephenson: 'Cryptonomicon'
[read several times, the first time about 1999]
- I bought this book after reading a very positive review on it.
It's no easy reading (about 900 pages with a lot of jumps
across different time frames), but it's definitely worth the
effort. It has a lot of suspense, an interesting mix of facts
and speculation on cryptography (see also the
cryptography section of this page) and
a number of very colorfull characters.
What I consider the most important ingredient in becoming a
good writer is imaginative faculty. Neal Stephenson obviously
has got lots and lots of it. I also highly recommend most
of Stephenson's other books, including the epic
Baroque Cycle and it's pseudo-sequel
Piers Bizony: '2001 - filming the future'
[read in the late 1990s]
- A great 'making of' for (IMHO) the greatest movie ever made,
Stanley Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey',
with lots of insights into the story's background.
The book provides fascinating details on how the
special effects were done, e.g. the 'artificial gravity wheel'
onboard Discovery. Also given are quite a few shots
from the set as well as stills from the movie. I recommend
this book, which I've read in it's second edition (2000), for
every fan of 2001.
BTW, up until early 2001 (the year, not the movie :-), I saw
the movie only on TV. In February of 2001 I saw the motion
pictures's re-release at a cinema for the first time.
I was a big fan of it before, of course, but after seeing the
visual effects on the big screen as well as the remastered sound,
I was totally blown away. A great experience !
Roland Huntford: 'The Last Place on Earth: Scott and
Amundsen's Race to the South Pole'
[read in 2000]
- When I was a child, I first heard the story of the great race
to the South Pole between Scott's and Amundsen's expeditions
(on long-playing records, remember those vinyl things ?).
There are also a few movies about it. Both men were characterized
as heroes who were trying to reach the Pole in good sportsmanship
and simply 'because it's there'.
Now this book tells quite a different story. It completely
changed my picture of Robert Falcon Scott. The book describes
not only the Pole race itself, but is in fact kind of a
double biography of the two main characters, including for
example Amundsen's famous North-Western Passage. I recommend
this book to everyone interested in how 'official history' is
BTW, I've read the book mostly during a summer vacation at
a Mediterranean beach. Great place to read about expeditions
to places far across the polar circles ;-)
Tom Wolfe: 'The Right Stuff'
[read in the late 1990s]
- This is a non-fiction book which is as electrifying as
a good thriller. It tells the story of the test pilots
who first broke the sound barrier and risked their lifes
trying to post ever new speed and height records, men like
Chuck Yeager and Scott Crossfield. The second part of the
book covers the first years of the US space program,
especially the flights of the famous 'Original Seven'
astronauts, including Alan Shepard and John Glenn.
There's also a good movie based upon this book starring
Sam Shepard, Ed Harris, Scott Glenn, Dennis Quaid and
Barbara Hershey.
Clay Shirky: 'Here Comes Everybody - The power of
organizing without organizations'
[read in 2009]
- Shirky delivers great insights in how internet-era
communication tools enable us to cross critical thresholds
for developing social structures unheard of two decades ago.
He illustrates his points with lots of examples on how
clever use of services like blogs and web 2.0 applications
create effects in the 'real' (i.e. non-cyber) world.
The changes in society he describes are here to stay, so it
makes a lot of sense to make yourself familiar with what's going
Home Impressum
Author:Peter Uelkes
Last modified: Mon Feb 14 16:38:24 CET 2011